How can we say we cannot forgive when we ourselves have been forgiven? I always say the person who cannot forgive has forgotten what they have been forgiven of. The Bible says “All have sin and fallen short of the Glory of God” Romans 3:23. I did a quick search and found 20 scriptures talking about forgiveness. Jesus came just for that reason to forgive us. So this subject surely is important enough for God to send Jesus.

So, what is it that is in us that we cannot forgive. Pride? Lack of Wisdom? Arrogance? Do we think that if we forgive we open ourselves up to be hurt, misused? Well, we are not responsible for how other people treat us, we cannot judge, shun or just get rid of them. We are called to act like Jesus. He was mocked, ridiculed, shunned, beaten and died just for that and for us, this was the Ultimate forgiveness. So, how can we not expect the same? Besides the 20 or so scriptures in the Bible that I read; there is also some other people who say this about forgiveness:

“A forgiveness ought to be like a canceled note, torn in two and burned up, so that it can never be shown against the man. “ ~ Henry Ward Beecher

“Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.” ~ Corrie Ten Boom

“Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness. The other is for goodness.” ~ Billy Graham

“Forgiving and being forgiven are two names for the same thing. The important thing is that a discord has been resolved.” ~ C.S. Lewis

“To err is human, to forgive, divine.” ~ Alexander Pope

Written by Gladys “Rev J” Johnson, LPC
House of Refuge Ministries